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Get Competition Ready!

by Sarah McCylmont 08 May 2017
Woozers ! It’s that time of year again. The girls in the pole community are going crazy! Why is everyone going crazy??? It’s Pole Competition season. The other weekend, The Atlantic Pole Championship known as APC was held in Virginia. The Pole Sport Organization organizes APC. Each year PSI host multiple pole competition throughout the year. In the month of May, the US aerial competition is held in New York.


So many people are entering pole competitions hoping to be the next polestar.  Most competitions you have to pay an entrance fee. So trust me, girls take these competitions very seriously.

In order to get ready for a pole competition you have to find the perfect song, pick what level and category you want to enter, figure out your costume, and plan a routine.


Get your costume together and choosing the song for a competition or performance is one of the hardest things. After a song and outfit is chosen everything else flows smoothly!



Before you pick a song ….You have to choose what category and level you want to enter. This may be pretty challenging. They are so many different categories.  Read the rules so you can figure out what moves you can use and can’t use.

Finding the perfect song can be hard. You have to figure out what genre of music you want to use. What song have you been listening to a lot lately? What song can you use to tell a story? What song can you pull out emotion from? I love songs that change with various tempos. You can play around with a song that has a lot of tempo.

After you pick a song!  Now it’s time to work on a routine. First, freestyle to the song and figure out what cool moves you can come up with. After that write down some of the moves you did while freestyling. Your routine should consist of spins, transitions, and tricks. Never put any tricks in that you don’t feel comfortable with yet.



Now lastly the costume!

Make sure the costume matches the theme of your song. Be sure the clothes are not too revealing. Sports Bra and shorts that come over the booty cheeks are perfect. You don’t want to get disqualified. Now for a regular showcase feel free to let the booty cheeks hangout. Avoid costumes with capes. You don’t want to accidentally choke yourself on the pole.

Check out Wink Uniq. Wink offer a bespoke service where you can select any costume style and have it 'Made to Order' in any colour to fit your competition theme. Why not add crystals to jazz up your outfit? Just select Crystals - to bling up your costume when ordering from Wink.


Check out her new workout program Breakup2Shapeup
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